Friday, February 18, 2011

Let's Do This

So I'm starting a blog where I'll post my feelings, happenings, and adventures.

I thought I should start with an explanation of my title:
The phrase "Detour Ahead" originated from an attempt at a 100 mile bike ride with my friend Zach. An attempt because after almost every curve we would encounter a detour ahead sign. It happened so often that "Detour Ahead" became the title, motto, and theme of our eventful trip, and so it seems - the flow of my life.


  1. that's awesome haha. did you finish the trip?!

  2. Nope, lol. Our plan was to go around Utah lake, but we had horrible directions so we spent most of the day biking at the south east edge trying to figure out a way across. It grew to late and we weren't equipped or willing to bike into the night so we had to turn around. On the way back we found a straight forward way, so we have a new route that we're going to do in spring. :) We ended up going 82 miles. It was so awesome!

  3. I was looking through the blogs Amber follows for yours instead of just going to facebook. how did I know this one would be yours? btw, where's this lovely photo from?

  4. I grabbed it off google :) I'll probably replace it once I get an awesome shot on the next long bike ride.
