Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Google Police

Censoring strikes a strong chord in me. I am not sure where I stand for recognizing the when and where censoring is appropriate since it is far out of my experience. I am an admin of the facebook page my apartment complex uses. Most of the time my position is that if something should not have been posted, the users will reprimand that person well enough without me exercising admin privileges. The less I get in the way, the more natural censoring happens. However, I do not have to worry about lives being in danger. My method would not have worked for Google, yet their actions makes me wonder where the line resides. Law has yet to decide how much responsibility internet service companies have over the content their service is carrying, even when it's user generated. Google police starts to sound too much like a 21st century Orwellian antagonist.

Article: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/14/technology/google-blocks-inflammatory-video-in-egypt-and-libya.html

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I agree that the there is a very fine line with freedom of speech. Google gets to draw the line, but as users, we can lobby to persuade them to redraw the line.
