Thursday, February 14, 2013


"They wouldn't be a good match - she's too much for him"

"They would get along perfectly, I know it!"

"You really need to meet her, she's definitely your type!"

"Him, with her? Can't happen."

Bull. Crap.

I'm sick of people assuming they know someone well enough to make these calls. Their knowledge is so superficial it's laughable. They have only seen the person in a subdued setting under predictably boring circumstances. Character is never so easily revealed. These observers don't actually know the person they are referencing  Honestly, when we don't know ourselves well enough to make an accurate assertion, how could a minimally invested friend even attempt?

 One would think that after so many surprises like "They're together!? I didn't see that coming!" we would be a little more open minded about the possibilities around us. Just because a someone is quiet and seemingly agreeable does not mean they lack strength of character, or the skills necessary to enjoyably handle a "high caliber" date.

I think we would all be astounded to see the true natures of the people around us, because right now all we see is a carefully crafted cover, hiding its true contents from our passing glances. So instead of assuming so much, let's acknowledge that we don't actually know, but are open to finding out.


  1. Powerful! Poignant! Brilliantly conveyed! So, when I saw this posted on FB, I didn't realize it was going to be an extension of our conversation the other day. First, I'm sorry if I said you should be with someone! Second, what is a "high-caliber" date? Third . . . I totally support what you wrote. Fourth, have you gotten this a lot?

    1. Haha actually April, this has little to do with me, and more to do with a few friends of mine and how people perceive them. Our conversation about "knowing people superficially" sparked the idea, but a few conversations among friends, a short while after ours, is what really pushed me over the fence.

      "High caliber" was referencing the self-labeled "powerful" or "hard to handle" character of the suggested match. Some people think they are "too much to handle" for certain suitors (or suitresses), when in all reality the rejected may just be who that person needs.

      Lastly, this has happened to me, but not that often. In all honesty, I think I'm more of a perpetrator than a victim. I'm just becoming more aware of this occurring, and this week pushed me over the edge into being able to verbalize my feelings.

  2. I've been guilty of that! (Typically, I've been pretty good at it, too!)
