Thursday, June 16, 2011

Goals for Summer

Summer break is finally here!
Class is over, finals are done, and I’m ready to NOT have hw, class, or anything remotely related! 
Thank goodness, SUMMER IS HERE!

So this summer I wanted to have a few goals/plans to make this summer awesome. So here goes!

1: Play more guitar! 
          I have a list of songs I want to learn and now I have the time to do it. Summer break when I build up my repertoire, and when school is in session I just play them all (over and over and over again) for stress relief. Last summer was when I really started learning songs people actually knew (think Jack Johnson, Cake, Johnny Cash ...) instead of random finger-style blues pieces. It’s been great to actually have songs to play and sing to. Let’s double my current small selection of songs I play (when your roommates can name all the songs you know, it’s time to expand). If you all have any suggestions for songs to learn, I’ll consider them – NO PROMISES!

2: Bike more! 
          Because of the heavy school/work load, during fall and winter (and spring – thank you linear algebra!) my miles really take a dive. Time to train back up. I’m thinking 3-4 times a week. Mostly 20 and 30 miles a ride and then a long one around the weekend. Gotta get ready for the 100 mile ride with Zach in fall. I just bought some more gear as well. I can’t wait! So many rides, so many places, oh this is going to rock!

3: Date more! 
          Yes, I know, this is a given – especially since I’m pretty sure that since January I’ve been asked out on more dates than I’ve actually done the asking. It’s one of those kinda embarrassing yet cool all at the same time things. Cool that I’m asked, embarrassing that I haven’t been asking. I was really good about dating, but when school buckled down I let up on it. So yes, ladies look out, Ogden is back in the house. Do I have a few girls in mind? It’s possible ;)

4: Type up the mission journals. 
          The people who follow this blog might have noticed a “post” that said was titled “Posting to a Previous date” and was from "4 years ago". Yeah, I figured out how to make it look like a post was made years ago. I’ve been worried about losing my mission journals so I’ve started typing them up on my computer. I started thinking that if I could put them online (hidden of course) then it would be safe. (If a fire happened, my computer could be destroyed along with the journals). So I’m starting a blog that will have my mission journals on it, a post per entry, with the correct date. Sweet eh? Yes. And it will be hidden, so no – no reading it yet. Maybe one day. We’ll see.

5: Read Read Read!!! 
          I’ve always loved reading! I’ll read almost anything and this tendency isn’t conducive to a productive school year – sadly. Every time fall semester comes around I have to force myself to stay away from the library. In winter I took a Russian Literature class where we “had” to read up to 80 pages or so per class (best assignments ever!). The class introduced me to a lot of books that await my reading hungry eyes. If you would like to check out what books I’ve read, reading, or am going to read, check out: MyGoogleLibrary.

Well those are my immediate summer goals. They should keep me occupied until the school train comes around again. I have two and a half months until it comes to pick me up. Let’s enjoy the break while it lasts!


  1. I love your MyGoogleLibrary. I had never heard of that before, Google sure does think of everything! Im sure it would take a long time to list all the books that I have ever read! But fyi, the Princess Bride is a great book, I think you will enjoy it.

  2. haha thanks. Yeah, I only tried listing the ones that I've read since I came up here, and I'm pretty sure I've missed a bunch :)

  3. Good luck with all of your goals - you should have a wonderful summer. Another online place to keep track of the books you have read, those you are currently reading, and those you want to read is What is nice about this site, you can see how your friends and others rate their books and even read brief reviews by those who opt to include comments. You can also choose to get an e-mail whenever anyone on your "friend list" posts something on Goodreads. This is a good resource for choosing which books you might want to read.

  4. Ogden, you are a great writer. Thanks for inspiring me with your goals!

  5. Thanks Brooke :) I just love writing about things I care about!
