Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sacrifice, Self-Control, and Time Wasted

Subconsciously my hand drifts toward the keyboard, searching for the link. 

Automatically, upon opening a browser, my pointer shoots straight for the bookmarked page. 

Mind numbingly the refresh button is hit, not really expecting to find anything new…

Every few minutes that same tab is brought back up, but nothing has changed. 

The last page looked at is the first page opened, regardless of the original reason to open the browser.

All the while, I remain oblivious to what is going… hold up – I need to check Facebook – ok, where was I? oh yes, …oblivious to what is going on.

A few months ago I had a hard time understanding why some people felt a need for “a Facebook fast” or why a few acquaintances were quitting Facebook for a time, claiming it was consuming their time. I mean come on! What? You can’t control yourself? Is Facebook taking over? PATHETIC! (Gimme a sec, I need to check Facebook, maybe someone posted something) ok, where was I? Oh yea, PATHETIC!

But that has all changed.

You can say it all started with my roommate Zach, who regularly goes through phases of simplifying his life, such as leaving Facebook, consolidating his communication methods, and meticulously recording daily activities – looking for that spare second to help get the actual important stuff done.

During one of these phases, I was thinking about stuff that takes up my time, but I couldn’t come up with anything! Then one day at work I woke up. Seriously. I caught myself in the act described at the beginning of this post, though this time I was no longer oblivious. I watched my hand sneak toward my laptop, I caught my eyes lifelessly staring at the screen, glancing over status updates that had nothing to do with me. So I pulled everything back and focused again on the task at hand. And then I caught myself facebooking again, and again, and again…

Something had to be done.

So I do a few things native to a computer geek, and ta-da! Facebook pulls up a blank screen. I delete the bookmark and I get back to work. Suddenly I become aware of all the times I was trying to look at Facebook, since it no longer worked. I was so shocked that I laughed because I was unaware of how often I was wasting my time.

I now allow myself access to Facebook only once or twice a day. Having cut Facebook usage down by over 90% you might wonder what has come of it. I’ll tell you what: more guitar playing, more time spent on homework, better journal entries, more consistent morning scripture study, better focus at work, and the list goes on…

So why am I posting this?

Well since Facebook was a distraction, and I was obliviously losing self-control to it, then I wonder what else is keeping me from the real important things in life. What else needs to be sacrificed to gain back self-control and time wasted? Imagine, the more non-important things I get rid of the more time I have to spend on things I truly care about! Priorities priorities…

So I invite you to look back over your day or week and work on finding things you could cut out to get down to the important stuff. It might be hard. You might resist. You might deny that anything could be done differently. But if you take a step back, and maybe even pull a Zach and record meticulously your daily activities, you might find the lost time you’ve been seeking. 

By the way, on the day I lowered my Facebook usage, my other roommate, Andrew, uninstalled his video games for the same reason. He needed time. We think Zach is contagious. I’m grateful.

- and yes I realize the irony from the fact that you probably knew about this post because of facebook

Good luck!


  1. OGDEN!!! I didnt know you had a blog, I am adding you to my blog list :) I agree,Facebook is a black hole! I think I need to give this "spring cleaning" thing a try. Thanks for the inspiration Ogden, Zach and roommate that I dont know!

  2. I think most people could go with a Facebook fast! I probably do, amongst many other time consuming things! Good post!
