Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Addiction's Growing Roster

Addiction finally acknowledging more of its MVPs. No longer are drugs, smoking, and alcoholism the only listed players. Commenters are now talking about pornography, gambling, food, and gaming. These not-so-fresh faces are finally getting the attention and ranking they deserve. These players come with their own advantages, not needing physical consumption to be extremely effective. Another plus, Team Addiction hardly had to do any recruiting themselves, leaving us - the defense - to supply their ranks. Food and Fun use to not make the cut until we bulked up their stats by giving way to self-indulgence, forgetting self-control, and by trying to find old-fashioned happiness in endorphins and dopamine. Gaming is not bad - we are, and until we figure out what we're actually trying to find we will just keep on adding to Addiction's roster.

Inspired by: Ensign Article: Just a Game?

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, we need to fulfill our needs with more productive and healthy activities
